Advanced usage

Using Sphinx’s Makefile

Sphinx by default generates a Makefile, so you can build your documentation with one command:

$ make html

But when building multiple projects, they will share the same output directory. Change the Makefile as follows to set a different build directory for each project.

# Put your default project here.
PROJECT ?= user

Then you can build your documentation with:

# Will build the user project at _build/user/html/
$ make html

# Will build the dev project at _build/dev/html/
$ PROJECT=dev make html

Manually changing settings based on the current project

If the config or use_config_file options aren’t enough, you can change the settings for each project manually.

Using one file

# File: docs/

from multiproject.utils import get_project

extensions = [

multiproject_projects = {
   "user": {},
   "dev": {},

current_project = get_project(multiproject_projects)

locale_dirs = [f"{current_project}/locale/"]

if current_project == "user":
    language = "en"
    extensions += ["custom.extension"]
    project = "User Documentation"
elif current_project == "dev":
    language = "es"
    project = "Development documentation"

Using multiple files

# File: docs/

extensions = [

multiproject_projects = {
   # Set `use_config_file` to false
   # to avoid including the files twice.
   "user": {
       "use_config_file": False,
   "dev": {
       "use_config_file": False,

current_project  = get_project(multiproject_projects)

# Set all values directly
# -----------------------

if current_project == 'user':
   # File: docs/user/
   from user.conf import *
elif current_project == 'dev':
   # File: docs/dev/
   from dev.conf import *

# Set value by value
# ------------------

if current_project == 'user':
   # File: docs/user/
   import user.conf as config
elif current_project == 'dev':
   # File: docs/dev/
   import dev.conf as config

# Replace the original values.
project = config.project
version = config.version
language = config.language

# Extending the original value.
extensions += config.extensions

Sharing a file without using an extension

If you aren’t restricted to share the same location of the file for all your projects, you can just use an import statement on each project. For example, in the following structure:

├── dev
│   ├──
│   └── index.rst
└── user
    └── index.rst

The docs/ file has the shared configuration, and each docs/dev/, docs/user/ files have specific configuration for that project:

# File: docs/
# Common options for all projects.

language = "en"
extensions = ["sphinx.ext.intersphinx"]
# File: docs/dev/
# Options specific to this project.

from ..conf import *

extensions = extensions + [

project = "Developer documentation"